Since I've started writing I've had a couple people interested in the gym that I go to. The rest of this blog post will probably sound like a sales pitch to you and I apologize for that. Please know that I only want to share what Matt and I love the most about the gym.
It's called SnapFitness. It's at the shopping center on the northeast side of the intersection of K7 and Johnson Drive. It's small, so you don't get that lost-in-a-large-place feeling. With the exception of the treadmills and devil machines there's really only one of every type of machine. You'd think that it would mean you'll never get a chance to use them because someone else will always be on them. That isn't the case and I'll tell you why a little further down.
All the machines are easy to use. Any adjustment that you could make to them is marked in yellow. So if you need to adjust the seat or change the weight you don't have to spend five minutes, feeling dumb and looking all over the place for the lever or weight knob. The electrical machines, like the treadmill, all have the same interface/faceplate. So once you know how to use one, you'll know how to use them all.
We really liked the clean environment. When you join, you're told that you are expected to clean up after yourself. There are spray bottles of cleaning solution everywhere with paper towels and hand sanitizer. Once you're done using a machine just grab a bottle and a towel, spray it down and wipe it up and it'll be nice and clean for the next person. This clean environment makes the gym not smell bad too. :P
The gym is 24/7 and it has cameras everywhere for safety and security. It's awesome! You can go to the gym anytime day or night. During staffed hours the staff there is always nice and helpful if you have a question about anything. They mop and vacuum regularly too to keep things clean.
There's also 9 TVs in the room. The gym has dish network with all the channels(even BYU TV! *squee!*) and the remotes are attached to the machines they are in front of so if you want to change the channel, just do it. All the TV's also have their own radio frequency so you can tune your walkman/radio/whatever to the frequency and listen to the TV without disturbing anyone else. It's also nice if you're not going to be on the machine that's in front of the TV you can still listen to it as you go do other exercises.
The best part, in my opinion, is that when you join you get a free consultation with a personal trainer. That's really what I wanted. I needed someone to tell me what exercises I needed to do to reach my goals and why. Julie was the trainer I met with and she was awesome! She showed us exactly what I wanted to know and showed us what settings we should put the equipment on and what weight to do for how long and how many times. She showed us how to use the machines, not just told us. She had us climb on and try them out to make sure the settings were right. It was perfect. Everyone who wants it will get this personalized training outline.
Julie gave Matt and I a basic 8 spreadsheet on which we wrote down our exercises so we wouldn't forget them. The gym has a basic 8 program that anyone can use but since we had specific goals she changed our 'basic 8' a little to target what we wanted. The basic 8 program keeps you moving to different machines in order to work 8 different core muscle groups. You don't stay at any one machine for more than 5 minutes. In my opinion, that's why the gym can remain small and not have multitudes of machines. They keep people moving around for a more productive and well-rounded workout.
Anyway, I believe I've babbled on enough about what I like about the gym. There's much more too but I wanted to focus on the main things that impress me. If you're thinking about getting in shape or getting a gym membership just send me an email and I can talk to the gym manager and get you a free 1 week pass and/or a tour with the manager. You'll like Jen. She's absolutely hilarious and has way too much energy.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
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