Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Getting Going Again

Matt and I had not gone to the gym since the end of Dec, just before we left for Utah. Since then we've had a bout with the flu and then a bout of cold and sniffles. We managed to get there last Monday but we were still feeling so-so and didn't complete our workout. Yesterday was the first time back where we actually felt like we were exercising our muscles and not our willpower. Let me tell you, when you stop, it's hard to get going again!

I almost felt like I was starting from square 1 again. It was really hard to do the weights and the devil machine was out to kill me. But I worked through it and it actually did get easier as I got into it again. It made me think a lot about how if you're not progressing, you're regressing. I think that's doubly true for your body. You can't just get in shape and then be done with it. You can't stop everything and stay in great shape just because you got there. You have to maintain it. Everyone tells me maintenance is much easier than getting to where you want to be in the first place. I sure hope so.

Getting healthier isn't just a road to a destination. It's a lifestyle change. It's a never-ending journey. You have to constantly want to be in good shape and do things that are healthier for you. It's hard at first. And when you have to stop it's hard to get going again. But I know it'll be worth it.

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