Thursday, March 11, 2010


There comes a time in everyone's week where you realize the best laid plans....are all worthless. Every week something happens that requires us to shuffle around which meals we're doing when or end up going out to eat instead of making our own dinner at home. It could be that I forgot to pull out the pork chops to thaw. Or I misjudged how long errands would take and don't have time to get the meal ready by a decent hour. Or we had to go somewhere and were gone longer than planned so we eat out instead. Something always happens. And you know what? It's okay.

Shuffling around meals is not the end of the world. But when you do it just make sure you're thinking about what foods need to be used sooner than other foods. For example, if you've got strawberries to go with a meal make sure you use them sooner rather than later as they have a tendency to go bad quicker than other fruits. Or if you got some meat on sale that says 'use by date' then make sure you either freeze it or use it before it expires and goes back. Keeping these things in mind as you do the shuffle will help you have less waste at the end of the week.

I also wanted to point out to anyone who might think I'm super awesome for sticking to this meal schedule....that I'm just as average as anyone else and have to change plans all the time!

1 comment:

  1. Can I just say AMEN to the strawberries being a fruit that quickly goes bad? Holy cow, so true.
