Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mmmm Brownies

I'm not cheating I swear! Just hear me out!

Normally when I make brownies, I make them from scratch. Making anything from scratch is healthier than buying it pre-packaged, most of the time. But when I make a pan of brownies, I make a whole pan. Now, I hate wasting so Matt and I generally try to eat the whole pan in a week or so. Not that I mind eating a whole pan of brownies(Mmmmm).....but it's not very healthy.

When I started my diet, I said, "Self, this means no more brownies." But I had to get my chocolate fix somehow. Chocolate rice cakes are not very tasty. The other flavors are tasty, but not chocolate. Blech. Chocolate pudding is oh-so-delicious and has carried me through for a whole month of no-cookies-brownies-candybars-donuts. But this week I just had to have something more substantially chocolately to nibble on. So, when Matt and I went grocery shopping we scoured the baking isle looking for acceptable sized premixes with a decent calorie per serving.

Pillsbury Brownie Minis! It comes with two baking trays and two seperate bags of mix. So I don't have to make a huge batch of brownies! I can just make one batch this week and save the other for when I get a brownie craving again down the road. Each brownie that it makes is only maybe 2 bites but it's just enough to gimme my fix. And it's 75 calories per brownie! That's just as good as pudding...but it's a brownie!

So for the brownie loving chocoholics out there who are trying to trim those calories, fear not. There is a brownie you can eat.

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